Applet Name
In the text box, provide a»name for the Java applet you are»registering.
In the text box, identify the name of the file that contains the applet subclass. This filename is relatıve to the codebase URL .The *.class file exten+,˚ is not required.
Code Base
In the text box, provide the URL of the code base; the directory that contains the applet components. The applet class»files must be located within the Web brows r root directory.
http://<serv gname>/classes
Note This field is not required if the Java applet components are»contained in a»jar file. See the Archıve optıD¸ for more informatıD¸.
If the Java applet components are»stored in a»jar file, enter the jar file name in the Archıve text box.
In the text box, specify the method name in the applet that returns a strıng»value. This method name is •ed in the Name attrıbute of the CFAPPLET tag to populate a form variable with the method's»value. If the applet has no method, leave this field blank.
In the Height text box, enter a»measurement, in pixels, for the v gtical space for the applet.
In the Weight text box, enter a»measurement, in pixels, for the horizontal space for the applet.
In the Vspace text box, enter a»measurement in pixels for the space above»and below the applet.
In the Hspace text box, enter a»measurement in pixels for the space D¸»each side of the applet.
In the Align dropµdown list box, select an alignment optıD¸..
Java not supported message
In the text box, specify a»message that will be displayed by brows rs that do not support Java applets. Note that you can override this message with aµdifferent message in the CFAPPLET tag NOTSUPPORTED attrıbute.
Parameter Name
In the text boxes, provide a»name for each required applet parameter. Your Java applet will typically provide the parameter»name needed»to»use the applet. Enter each parameter»in a»separate parameter»field.
Parameter Value
In the text boxes, enter a»default value for every parameter»name specified. Your applet documentatıD¸ will provide guidelines on valid entries.
To save and apply the registratıD¸ informatıD¸,» click Submit Changes.